Justin Bieber Is Allegedly Jealous of Kourtney Kardashian's New Man

Mr Bieber, please take several seats please
I'm sure you all heard the streets saying that Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian hooked up last year, well obviously the Biebs can't get enough of the 38-year-old mother of three. For the past few months Kourt has been dating a hot, young latino guy called Younes Bendjima and Justin is not happy!
Sources are saying that the Sorry singer is doing "anything he can to try and win her back."
The streets are also saying that "Kourtney was Justin's first mature relationship and he was heartbroken when he realised he was just her rebound." Awww Bieber!
The source adds that "Justin has tried to be more grown up to prove that he could take on her three young kids."
Mmm, I call bullshit! There is only one thing that Justin wants from Kourt and it is not her kids.
I'm sorry but I do not see Kourt settling down with Justin Bieber or this new guy Either. Kourtney just got out of 10 year relationship with her baby daddy Scott Disick and just needs to have fun. Young guys are fun!
Justin needs to be smarter and realise that he was just a rebound and nothing more. He should just go back to running around naked on vacation and partying with those young models. By the way, can't Justin get with a more age appropriate Kardashian, like Kendall maybe?
Do you think that Justin and Kourtney should get back together? Or was Bieber only a rebound? Sound off in the comments!