The Real Housewives of Dallas: Season 2 Cast Ranked!

The Real Housewives of Dallas had a disappointing first season but they more than made up for it in their second! This time around 2 new girls were brought into the mix and proved that the drama is bigger in Texas. This season saw everything from glass throws, engagements, dildo fights, changing alliances, scary talk about hands - and most of those things were just LeeAnne! As a result of this epic season we rated all the ladies based on their contributions to the show. Check out our rankings below!
6. Stephanie Hollman
Stephanie started off the season in a war with her best friend Brandi but once those two made up Stephanie's only storyline was her husband buying a house without telling her. Men. Stephanie shyed away from every fight this season but then talked trash in all her confessionals. Grow some balls and crawl out of Brandi's ass before you come back for round 3 Steph!
5. Kameron Westcott
The real life Elle Woods burst onto the scene and managed to become the shows resident prude. Kameron acted super snobby towards Brandi which only fueled their dildo fight in Mexico. Kameron ended up launching her dog food line but I definitely don't think she'll be seeing any return after paying $20,000! Her vocal fry gives me a headache but maybe it's just the bleach getting to her brain. Even though she isn't my favourite Dallas girl she made her opinions known and didn't shy away from a fight. Points for Kam!
4. Cary Deuber
Was Cary in season 2? It seemed her only storyline was choosing between her child and her husband who acts like a child. She also was accused of shading LeeAnne and Brandi's doctors and then lied about it. Cary only got this fair on the list purely because without her husband LeeAnne wouldn't of been able to deliver her epic Roundup quote and that is an iconic moment in housewives history.
3. D'Andra Simmons
If you have been reading my recaps this season then you would know how much I love D'Andra. This Dallas heiress is the quintessential real housewife from her hot husband, to her stunning house, her iconic mom and her authentic attitude. D'Andra isn't scared to call someone out - except if it's her mother! She is the best real housewives newbie of 2017 and she needs to be on the show for many seasons to come. Don't go anywhere Miss Simmons!
2. Brandi Redmond Brandi has had a rough season. This redheaded Texan had a fight with her best friend, had a miscarriage, got snubbed by her grandma, accused Cary of lying and chased Kameron with a dildo. Although she really delivered this season, Brandi loses points by being two faced the entire season. One minute she is best friends with LeeAnne and the next she is talking trash about her. Better luck next time Brandi!
1. LeeAnne Locken
Wasn't this obvious? None of the other ladies even come close to the amount of dedication that LeeAnne has brought to the show. This resident carny has started anger management, got engaged, thrown a glass, dressed up as Stephanie and a hot dog, got a boob job which turned into a flesh eating bacteria, delivered her iconic "they're just hands" quote and accused Cary's husband of being gay all in ONE season! If she doesn't deserve the top spot who does? LeeAnne is one of the top housewives and she single handedly made this show a success.
Do you agree with our ranking? Sound off in the comments below!
The Real Housewives of Dallas season finale airs Monday at 10/9c on Bravo! Stay tuned at Good Tea for our shady recaps and exclusive tea on the lone star ladies.