KUWTK Recap: Rise Of The Tarantulas

Nothing that was eventful or noteworthy went down in this episode but I'm gonna do the best job I can of giving you a condensed, yet snarky, roundup of all the Kardashians's latest goings-on .
The girls were caked in makeup but decided it was the perfect time to clean out Kourtney's kid's toy area and there was a tarantula which naturally caused Kim and her blonde hair to freak the fuck out. I am beyond over seeing Kim scream like she's Carrie Bradshaw wearing an engagement ring, but as a Kardashian fan I guess I just have to get used to it. Kourt hired a team of expert exterminators to get rid of the spiders but while she was lounging at the pool with her toned ass on display, a spider came crawling back. Are we supposed to believe that this sudden influx of tarantula's wasn't caused by the producers chucking a stray spider into the mix?
Kourt called up the exterminator who confirmed that it was breeding season for the spiders which caused her to pack up the kids and head on over to Aunt Khloe's compound. Did she just invite herself? Kourtney's mansion is as big as some small countries, can't she just go to the other side of her house to get away from the rogue spiders? For storyline sake she had to hide out in Khloe's guest house which caused the pregnant Kardashian to get pissed and prank them with a dog wearing a spider costume to show her she was being crazy. Eh. It didn't have the effect that was needed and was a complete and utter epic failure, but it did get Kourtney out of her house.
While Kourt's house was being invaded by spiders, Scott Disick travelled to New York with Kim and Kris for Fashion Week. The main plot point of this episode was that Scott was well behaved, normal and managed to avoid any cocaine that could be snorted. He also basically confirmed he was dating Sofia who is 12 years is junior but the barely legal starlet didn't pop up on the screen. No one can really give Scott shit for dating her because they have all had fucked up relationships. Kris' husband turned into a woman, Khloe's ex was a cokehead, Kim was married for 72 days, Rob was manipulated into having a baby with a stripper and Kourtney's ex is, well, Scott. Enough said.
Kim was still having her surrogate pregnancy which now feels like such old news given the fact that they baby has already been born and Kylie's birth is the latest baby everyone is talking about. The surrogate's information got leaked which pissed Kim off and made her wanna sue the fuck out of TMZ and any other news outlets, not Good Tea though, good on you Kim! While at Fashion Week she had to address the rumours to E!'s Catt Sadler (RIP) but didn't confirm whether way. Well, we know now!
The newly blonde Kardashian also managed to forget to inform Scott that was having a baby which prompted for a very awkward tour of the nursery. What is up with this family not telling the men about their pregnancies?
Keeping Up With The Kardashians airs Sunday at 9/8c on E! Stay tuned at Good Tea for our shady recaps and exclusive tea on the first family of reality TV.