Brandi Glanville Shaded Margaret Josephs Over Cheating & She Clapped Back

Housewives beef!
Since day one of Margaret Josephs joining The Real Housewives of New Jersey, she has been transparent and honest about having an affair with her now husband and although it's been brought up nonstop on the show, now Housewives from other cities are adding their two cents.
While The Marge appeared on WWHL on Wednesday night, Brandi Glanville tweeted Andy Cohen asking him to ask if Marge "still" feels guilty about cheating on her husband and their children or are they just another soundbite for her nonsense. Somebody must be drinking and tweeting again.

Margaret wasn't asked the question on the show because it was pretaped week's ago due to Andy's baby coming literally any day now, however, Margaret did clap back to the ex-Housewife herself and some shade. The Marge clarified she is still close with her first husband and that their children are private.
However, she couldn't help but end the tweet by throwing in a dig and saying Brandi's taking The Marge's life personally and comparing it to her own. If you recall, which I know you all do, Brandi was cheated on by her ex-husband Eddie Cibrian with LeAnn Rimes many moons ago.

Shots fired. Margaret gives zero fucks and I appreciate that. Cheating is wrong, everybody knows that but Marge owns her behaviour and we can't keep talking about this over and over again. It's old news.
Thoughts? Sound off in the comments!