TBT: Bethenny Frankel Recaps RHOC's Naked Wasted Episode

After everyone's great response to last week's first THROWBACK THURSDAY, I decided to continue digging through the Bravo vault to find more iconic blog posts of Housewives recapping (and judging) the vintage episodes of other cities.
This week's TBT is Bethenny Frankel's 2009 recap of The Real Housewives of Orange County's iconic Naked Wasted saga.
To refresh your memory in case you've been living under a rock for the last decade, this debacle occured after Tamra Judge got Gretchen Rossi wasted (naked wasted) during a dinner party where Gretchen they may or may not have made out with Tamra's son Ryan in the bathroom.
Those were the days, especially considering Slade Smiley hadn't wormed his way back into the show and Gretchen was still looking after her sugar turned fiance Jeff Beitzel, who was only 54 at the time. Let that sink in.
Check out Bethenny's scathing recap below where she couldn't help but to talk about herself and even throw in a Skinnygirl reference:
"First of all, as far as the absurd etiquette lesson goes, the "etiquette expert" was slouching. Second of all, gag me with a salad fork. In this financial climate, I'm sure people are spending their money to learn how and from which corner to pick up a napkin. Back on planet earth, we are happy when someone has the napkin on their lap and avoids stuffing it in their shirt. This etiquette nonsense is absurd.
Furthermore, (and I'm prefacing this by saying that Tamra is officially my favorite housewife right now) Tamra doesn't need an etiquette class. If she stopped grabbing her husband's Christmas bells and stopped referring to his pubic hair that would be a nice start. Also, wearing a skirt that is longer than her tampon string wouldn't hurt either.
Down to that teenage callgirl of a daughter that Lynne has. I watched with Jill Zarin and we both agree that if Ally ever dared to act remotely similar, she would be dragged by her hair down First Avenue in Manhattan. Sell that car and put the money towards finishing school. The bowling alley, the smoking and drinking was a disgrace. To that point, I like that Tamra keeps her children out of the spotlight where they should be.
The wardrobe on all of the women was HORRID and hurt my feelings - Tamra needs to rethink that green monster of a silk shirt during the interview section. Been there done that. When I look at some of the outfits I've dared to wear, I cringe. Hindsight is 20/20.
Now, I'm no stranger to a skinnygirl margarita, but the homegirls really took it to another level. Gretchen's need for attention is staggering. A reader corrected me in constantly highlighting that she is only 30. I stand corrected. 30 years old is an adult - a woman and I had a very successful business and tons of responsibility by that age (and I had a marriage under my belt). Gretchen's comments such as "stick it to me," "furry balls," "clean my palate" and so on were really off the rails. Alcohol is truth serum. This is coming from the girl who broke up with Jason and drank my weight in gold tequila on Alex and Simon's birthday boat. I'm not a saint or an angel, but Gretchen lapped me several times.
Hitting on your castmate's tatoo-ridden son while your fiance is lying in a hospital bed just isn't kosher on any level. Jill felt that Gretchen was a victim and sabotaged. I'm mixed here. I applaud Jeana and Lynne trying to reduce the drinking and take Gretchen home, and I see Jill's point about Tamra's comment to get her really drunk. Gretchen is an adult though. Tamra just added insult to injury and the whole thing was beyond classless.
I don't think anything actually happened with Ryan, and frankly, he is 18 or 19 or 20 or whatever, he definitely doesn't think with the head on his shoulders. Who could blame him for his actions? She's hot and when a dog sees a steak, what's a dog to do?"
Thoughts? Sound off in the comments!