Our Lengthy Roundup Of Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy's Custody Battle

This is the legal battle that will never end.
Following a divorce that took four years, Bethenny Frankel decided to sue her ex-husband Jason Hoppy for full custody of their eight-year-old daughter and it has been saturated across Page Six for the entire week. The exes are throwing accusations back and forth with shitty text messages as evidence but one thing is for sure: Bryn is fucked.
On day one of the trial Bethenny accused Jason of manhandling their daughter, abusing her dog Cookie, mocking her Jewish faith and worst of all - not flushing the toilet. According to Page Six, Bethenny's lawyer stated:
“[He was] physically pulling the child away from Ms. Frankel, leaving negative articles out about Ms. Frankel, [and] doesn’t flush the toilet... [He] locked up Cookie, in a storage closet and wouldn’t reveal her whereabouts for hours.”
Jason also had to take the stand regarding texts he sent Bethenny mocking her faith in 2016. Um. Bethenny's Jewish? That's news to me. During questioning by her lawyer, Jason used the old "I have Jewish friends" excuse to weasel his way out of sending the following shitty texts about her faith during Rosh Hashanah in 2016 :
JASON: “‘Is everything okay? You seem very upset. And oh yeah, happy holidays.'”
BETHENNY: “Leave us alone. It’s a holiday weekend, we’re trying to enjoy it with family and friends.”
JASON: “Holiday? That’s hysterical."
In another text, he said, “apparently you’re now Jewish,” with a laughing emoji. Jason is a little bitch.
Bethenny also showed the court several texts from Jason telling her the usual abusive things she's spoken about before:
“Ugh, that’s what 43 years old looks likes, you’re a sad and miserable woman, you look desperate.”
"You’re a sad, miserable, bitter, and unhappy person to not let me see my daughter, and I’ll pray for you. You’re exactly like your mother.”
WOW. Now it makes sense why Bethenny is less than likeable on RHONY. They also revealed other texts of Jason referring to the show as "Mean Girls." Why didn't Bethenny just block his number? The texts read:
JASON: “Think of the example your setting for her … you’re perceived as a mean girl…#zerof–ks.”
BETHENNY: “Fyi, this ‘mean girl’s’ ratings are way up. And provides for you, bryn, and pays your rent.”
JASON: “You need to understand you’re a mother first," (he also added that she’s “unfortunately” their daughter’s role model for women)
BETHENNY: “Thank god, you’re the example of a deadbeat man who needs a woman to support him.”
And this was only from the first day. Jason also accused Bethenny of being the reason for their daughter being rejected from Friends Seminary Day School and forwarded her the rejection email to which Bethenny replied to saying:
“Perhaps they are aware of your cousin being incarcerated as a pedophile, your uncle’s overdose or your cousin’s identity theft. You’re absurd, pull it together."
On Wednesday, the third day of the trial, Bethenny took the stand herself and burst into tears while talking about her dysfunctional relationship with her ex-husband. She said he apparently had once told her:
“’If you leave me, you are dead to me. I want nothing to do with you,’ he said, ‘This is war, I’m going to destroy you, I’m going to ruin your life.’
She also detailed the "outward mayhem" that went down in their apartment after she filed for divorce but were still living together which consisted of him reading children stories and saying ‘Mommy would be a great witch' and other abusive techniques to completely ruin her life, such as:
"Rotting food in the refrigerator, dishes piled to the top. He would go to the bathroom in the toilets and wouldn’t flush them. He would whistle and sing and slam doors.”
The reality star also detailed that she filed a police report in January 2017 when she showed up to Bryn's school with her late-boyfriend Dennis Shields and Jason apparently looked and them and started laughing saying ‘I see how you want to do this. Keep playing your games' as Bryn was only steps away. Wow. Jason really has a Tom Cruise creep factor, huh?
AND THAT'S NOT ALL. Audio recordings were also played in front of the court of Jason "The Monster" Hoppy telling Bryn in 2015 that Bethenny wouldn't let him see her and saying she was keeping him away from his daughter when Bethenny claimed she had tried to arrange a time for them to meet but he wouldn't answer the phone.
In another recorded call he also pressed Bryn for information on who Bethenny was dating and said the following statements while Bryn can be heard singing in the background:
“Who’s mommy’s friend? Bryn, who’s mommy’s friend? Who’s mommy’s friend? Well, you can tell me tomorrow.”... Bethenny, I hope you’re not recording this, Bethenny … Which boyfriend do you have now, Bethenny? I see how you want to do things, Bethenny, I got it.”
Bethenny also claimed she bought Bryn, who's 8, her own iPhone so she wouldn't have to talk to Jason as her daughter could talk to him directly and stated he incessantly emails her assistant asking her to facilitate a FaceTime between him and Bryn around eight times whenever Bethenny has her for a weekend.
Wow. Bryn is fucked and so is Jason's love life because WHO THE FUCK would date him after this? The custody battle is still FAR from over.
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