Is Cynthia Bailey Lying About When She Met Mike Hill?

These receipts are hard to deny!
Things in Cynthia Bailey's life are pretty close to perfect right now considering the man she's head over heels in love with, Mike Hill, proposed a few weeks ago and the good thing for us is that it was captured on camera for the world to see. However, as cute as CHill are together, they may need to clear the air on exactly how they met.
Following her engagement, Cynthia took to Instagram to personally thank Steve Harvey for introducing her and Mike on his show in April 2018.

The only problem with this is that the Atlanta Housewife actually appeared on Mike's podcast Unstable'd a couple of months prior in January 2018 alongside her former costar Claudia Jordan, so their story doesn't exactly add up.
While on the podcast, three months before the Steve Harvey interview, Mike confessed he watched the show and that Cynthia and Kandi Burruss were his favorites, so he definitely knew exactly who she was before he turned up on The Steve Harvey Show. Mike stated on the podcast:
“I will say this, that out of all Housewives, you and Kandi are the ones that I like the most, because you guys come across the right way. You show yourselves with class…dignity. You know…of course, there are going to be arguments every now and then, but at the same time, you guys come across like normal, good human beings, and I can respect that. But you’re also exciting. Your also somebody that is interesting, and I want to know more about you.”
What a sweetheart! He also asked about her love life and Cynthia shared she hadn't met the right guy, which is so romantic considering she was looking at him the whole time. Wow, that sounds like something out of a Julia Roberts movie.
The interview starts at 38:00 in the video below.
Months later in April when they appeared on The Steve Harvey Show together they were acting like complete strangers and didn't acknowledge at all that they had met each other previously.
The only way this confusing web would make sense is if The Steve Harvey Show was taped before she appeared on his podcast and just happened to air in April, but you would think while on his podcast the two would've acknowledged meeting on a dating segment before Mike started grilling her about her love life.
I'm obsessed with everything that is Cynthia Bailey, however, now that this potential lie is "in the blogs" while the current season is shooting, she's gonna have to address it sooner or later because there's definitely something questionable going on.
Thoughts? Sound off in the comments!