Dorit Kemsley & PK Allegedy Headed For Divorce

Another one (allegedly) bites the dust.
The only thing higher than someone in Dorit Kemsley's bathroom is the Real Housewives divorce rate and it looks like it's about to go up even more after rumors started swirling that Boy George's defacto parents are headed for a split.
During a recent episode of the Bitch Sesh podcast, writer Brian Moylan, who writes the hilarious Vulture recaps for several Bravo shows AND was the ghostwriter on Erika Jayne's book, alleged PK was living in a friend’s guesthouse in London while the couple worked through their divorce after Dorit had dumped him.
Of course, this tea came from Brian's friend in London, who is friends with the person whose guest house PK is living in. Even though this gossip is third-hand knowledge, I believe every word.
Following the internet blowing up over the explosive news, Us Weekly published a story, claiming two sources had confirmed that the couple "isn't doing well" and that PK, is in fact, living with a friend in London. So now there's three people echoing the same thing!
During the media frenzy, the couple denied the rumors to Page Six, saying they were spending Valentine's Day together in San Francisco. The outlet points out, PK did note he was living in Australia while his client, Boy George, filmed “The Voice”, however, he says rumors of him divorcing his wife and living in London, “couldn’t be further from the truth.”
Dorit also tried to squash the rumors on Instagram by posting a cute Valentine's Day photo with her husband. With the exception of this recent post, fans have noticed PK has been MIA from the Real Housewife's Instagram feed in recent months.

If The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills struggle to talk about their legal issues on the show, I highly doubt they'll talk about their marriage woes, and given the fact Dorit and PK are denying this divorce in the press, we definitely won't see them separating on the new season, if they are actually broken up.
Thoughts? Sound off in the comments!