Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Distant Cousins?!

There's nothing like keeping the bloodline pure!
Word on the street is that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are actually distant cousins?! According to this shady investigation, Harry and Meghan share an ancestor from the 15th century. What are the odds? Harry grew up in the Royal family in England while Meghan grew up in California with working class parents and they still managed to be related? Shady boots!
This isn't the only Royal pairing that share blood. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip are third cousins and share Queen Victoria as a grandmother. Ugh, I'm trying to hold this vomit in!
Although they are technically related does it count? I mean if we looked into it, there could be heaps of couples that could be distantly related. Obviously Meghan and Harry have moved past this because as we previously reported they are set to announce their engagement later this year!
Would you break up with someone if they were a distant cousin? Should Harry and Meghan call it quits? Sound off in the comments!