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Tamra Judge Accuses Emily Simpson Of Faking Storylines

We needed THIS Emily on RHOC.

A random Instagram war erupted between The Real Housewives of Orange County costars Tamra Judge and Emily Simpson over who was faking storylines for filming during the season which is currently airing.

Emily posted receipts of Tamra calling her fake in Instagram comments. Tamra claimed the "tea reader" on this week's episode knew her name before they started filming then pretended to not know her when the cameras went up, she also claims the cup reader was actually a hairdresser and during filming she believes Emily's mother-in-law, the Budget Mama Elsa, was instructed to tell Eddie she didn't know him even though she'd been to his gym. Oh, and she managed to finish it off with saying she's jealous of her marriage.

A classic Housewives dig!

Emily responded by typing away in her notes stating due to lawyer career she responds in FACTS. According to her, she never forced Budget Mama Elsa to say anything, the cup reader was only for entertainment purposes, she never met the tea reader before and of course she would be a hairdresser because a full-time tea reading career would be hard to live off, she's not jealous of her marriage and ended it by saying if Tamra hates fake storylines then "maybe you should stop "fake" losing your top.

Where was this Emily when Bravo cameras were rolling? She's definitely posting to try and have a beef in order to stay on the show for season 14, which isn't shade because I admire a girl with a hustle.

Tamra then retaliated by taking to her notes saying Budget Mama Elsa HAD met Eddie on two separate occasions but pretendedlike she hadn't on camera and claimed the cup reader literally told her she had never read cups before and was a big fan of the show, and she also ended her post with a shady dig saying her boobs are as fake as Emily's storylines. I feel like I'm in some weird OC Housewife rap battle.

Then things just hit rock bottom when Emily pointed out she said Tamra fake lost her top, not that her boobs were fake. Following that tweet, they got into a petty back and forth on Twitter, which you can, of course, see below.

Do you think this is enough to secure Emily another season on the show?

Thoughts? Sound off in the comments!

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