Receipts Prove Proactiv Didn't Cure Kendall Jenner's Acne

I am SO over the Kardashians.
Since 2011 I was the biggest Kardashian fan. I have biographies about them, watched all 200 of their reality show spinoffs and even have a Kim K calendar in my room for fuck sakes, however, after their show turned to shit I started to lose interest in their now boring lives but this latest debacle made me give up on the family once and for all.
Kris Jenner forced us all to watch Kendall Jenner's Twitter feed because she was ready to post a "brave" video which could help a lot of people. She posted a MASSIVE post on Instagram to promote the clip, so I assumed it was important.

Maybe she would finally be coming out of the closet? Sharing her own #MeToo story? Or talking about her anxiety? Nope. Her "brave and vulnerable" video was really just the announcement of her new endorsement deal with Proactiv.
Teasing the dumb advertisement like it meant something meaningful was bad enough but now it turns out, through digging through reciepts, that she never even used the treatment to clear her skin. After looking through the achieves, Kylie Jenner spoke to the New York Times in 2015 and specifically noted her sister's acne being cured by their family dermatologist:
“We have a family dermatologist, Christie Kidd in Beverly Hills. My sister Kendall had really bad acne when she was younger, and she really cleared it up. I thought, ‘Well if she cured Kendall, I should start to visit her.'”
Also, Kendall also noted on her app how her dermatologist helped with her skin. After BuzzFeed ran an article on the situation they reached out to Kendall's people who clarified she used the word "cleared," not "cured" in the Proactiv advert.
Um. Excuse me. Celebrities endorse products they don't use all the time, look at Lisa Rinna and her Depends commercials. It's life. We get it. But don't tease us for three days like your daughter is about to change the word when she's actually just thought of a new way to get coin.
As someone who used to suffer from acne, I used Proactiv once and it burnt THE FUCK out of mine (and my sister's face) and I've never met anyone who had a positive experience with it. It was already obvious a millionaire like Kendall wasn't using Proactiv to wash her face and it's irresponsible for her to not only promote such a disgusting product but lie about it as well. Ugh. Rant over.
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