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Katie Rost Scares RHOP Cast With GRAPHIC Miscarriage Photo

I have no words.

After a week of posting a string of #MeToo stories, launching a GoFundMe account and announcing a New Jersey judge wanted to imprison her for releasing video footage of her ex-husband verbally abusing her, Katie Rost, the one season wonder of Potoma,c posted one of the most graphic photos I've literally ever seen. Ever.

Katie took to Instagram to post a photo of her naked body lying next to the toilet and blood spilling all over the floor with the caption #MeToo. Immediately everybody thought this was a suicide attempt or worse, so her costars Karen Huger, Robyn Dixon and Candiace Dillard all took to the photo asking her to respond.

Following a few hours of leaving the world to speculate and build hysteria over the situation, Katie then added a caption to the photo before she deleted it explaining she miscarried and the photo was taken by her baby daddy who thinks "they" did this to her. I'm assuming "they" have something to do her abusive ex and with the judge who's trying to get her locked up.

This post was WAY too much and I'm still recovering. Obviously, this is no joking matter but could she be more dramatic? Why did the world need to see a photo of her naked and bleeding on her bathroom floor? And even worse, why did she leave people hanging for so long? I'm glad she's okay but that's not cool. Again, I can't wait for her return to the show.

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