Younes Bendjima Squashes Kourtney Kardashian Breakup Rumours As Scott Disick Unfollows Sofia Richie

This weird social media relationship war just transferred from one Kardashian couple to another!
To catch you up to date, Younes Bendjima and Kourtney Kardashian had insane Instagram drama earlier this week. Kourt alluded to having tea on someone, which then caused the couple to unfollow each other and deactivate their accounts, then reactive their accounts and Younes posted low-key shady messages about Kourtney on his story. What is happening?!
Fans assumed that the couple were over but the boxer turned model was listening to The More I Get, The More I Want and gave Kourt a special shoutout calling her beautiful. Aww, are they back together or is he trying his hardest to win the Kardashian back?

After these two maybe rekindled their romance, Kourt's baby daddy Scott Disick unfollowed his barely legal boo Sofia Richie on Instagram, even though she's still following him. What is happening?! Maybe this means that the two middle aged parents shouldn't be in relationships with these petty millennials.
These two relationships are fucking weird, especially as the plot thickens. Upon further investigation, Younes and Sofia actually used to be friends?! On the male model's Instagram you can see pics of his arms around his girlfriend's ex's new girlfriend.. What the actual fuck.
Did the two models date before hand? Did Sofia and Younes just do a couple swap with Kourt and Scott? Maybe THIS was the tea that Kourtney was referring to in her original post that sparked this war. I need to know SO bad!

What do you think of this social media mess and Younes and Sofia's old relationship? Sound off in the comments!