RHOA Recap: Bridesmaid Shade

Following Eva's wedding which was more about NeNe's marriage than her own, the producers made up for it by giving Eva The Diva an episode that revolved all around her - and her finances. Unless a Housewife is being sued for millions of dollars, hasn't paid their taxes and are getting their cars repossessed in the press, I don't really give a fuck what the situation is. At the end of the day, everyone is fronting something and if you're renting and taking out loans to look good on reality TV, then the truth is going to come out eventually.
Marlo Hampton invited NeNe and Tanya over to the house blowjobs paid for to spill some tea she received regarding Eva and her bank account. Eva's friend (and bridesmaid) ran on over to Marlo in a disguised voice to fuck over her former friend on TV by talking about her sketchy finances. According to the muffled voice Eva's car was repossessed, she has terrible credit, isn't living in her current house and is only using it to film for the show and, of course, because it's The Real Housewives of Atlanta the bridesmaid had to throw in the fact that Eva was in a full-blown lesbian in LA. Why do these women always use lesbian relationships as a way to attack someone on this show?
This whole situation is icky. All of these women have had financial issues on this show so nobody can judge and the fact that Eva's bridesmaid went and spilled all her information on a TV show that airs in 147 countries is so contrived and nasty. I've never been an Eva fan but her friend basically raped her with a 10-inch black dildo from fucking her over so hard. Marlo shouldn't have repeated this information, however, she's just doing her job. This information fell into her lap and she was doing what she's paid to do as a "friend of" to report it back to the group and stir shit up, if anyone is in the wrong here it's the bridesmaid who was obviously angling for some kind of confessional this season.
Just when I was feeling sorry for Eva she had a meal with Kandi to do damage control because she already knew her bridesmaid had started flapping her gums all over Atlanta. Eva claimed she wanted to renovate land so she and her husband were going to buy land then move from their current rental property to another rental property while they build it. What the fuck? That's obviously a lie and I can't even pretend to go along with it, even though the bridesmaid shouldn't have spilled any tea about Eva, I definitely think it was accurate. That house never seemed lived in or had any personality at all. The walls are beige, the rooms are empty and we've never seen them eat food there, so if she's only using this house to film in it makes perfect sense. Not even Kandi was buying her packet of bullshit.
The main thing the producers skipped over was the rogue bridesmaid choking Eva's wedding planner. How did we not get the footage of that? Why wasn't THAT shown at the wedding? Are you telling me they wasted our time showing NeNe crying in a corridor when the wedding planner was being choked by this bridesmaid? Be better Bravo. This girl is obviously trying to grab Eva's peach and we should just let her have it because she's already done more than Eva and her forgetful shade. Like most of this season I haven't given a fuck about what's happening, however, the only thing they talked about in this episode was Eva's bank account, so there's more to share.
Kandi threw a "soft opening" for her second OLG location and Mama Joyce finally found her way back in front of the cameras? Where has that bitch been? Mama Joyce is messier than any of these Housewives ever have been and although she got way too thirsty in recent years with all her trifling ways, it's good to have her back even if it is to see her cut strawberries on a stage. Yovanna also crawled out of a hole and attended Kandi's event like a bad smell. Who is this bitch and why does she keep coming around? Was she invited or she could just smell the Bravo cameras from the other side of Atlanta? She's literally the second coming of Shamea and not one person cares.
Long story short at Kandi's event, Tanya told Eva about the bridesmaid tea which resulted in Eva storming off into the night like she had something to hide while NeNe was pissed at Tanya for revealing the information. Can Tanya do anything right in this group? Anytime the Candian breathes everyone has a problem with it and if she wants to be a good friend to Eva why wouldn't she tell her? Can you imagine having shady information on your friend, sitting across from them and not saying anything? NeNe just wanted the moment to herself and got unnecessarily mad at Tanya over nothing. Not everything is about NeNe Leakes and if she wanted to be a good friend to Eva, she should've called her as soon as she found out the information instead of waiting a week for an OLG party to ambush her on camera.
Once Eva walked off and threw her mic away, NeNe made her come back on the terms that she would take off her mic and have a conversation with Eva off camera, however, like a true professional the Rich Bitch kept her mic on and recorded the entire conversation. Was that shitty to do to a friend? Yes. Are they making a television show? Fuck yes. All is fair in love, war and reality television. Somehow NeNe convinced Eva to come back into the party where she concocted a story about her renting several houses and having to move continuously because of her daughter's father. Um. So this guy wants nothing to do with his daughter, hence being referred to as a doner, however, he follows his baby mama around Atlanta? Uh no. There's definitely something off because Eva having no money makes a lot more sense than her crazy ex stalking her in the night but whatever you say Top Model.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta airs Sunday at 8/7c on Bravo! Stay tuned at Good Tea for our shady recaps and exclusive tea on our favourite Georgia peaches.