Porsha Williams Reveals Text Messages Of NeNe Leakes Fat Shaming Her After Giving Birth

Following all the ladies getting fed up with NeNe Leakes' antics on The Real Housewives of Atlanta upcoming reunion she has been posting video after video roasting her costars on Instagram and even alleged that Porsha Williams recorded the "I'm scared" quote from Closet Gate in a voice booth after the ordeal so producers could edit it in to make NeNe look bad.
After the social media back and forth, Porsha posted (and deleted) the pair's text messages on Instagram to expose EVERYTHING they spoke about. NeNe called Porsha's new spinoff a three episode commercial, said she never put her hands on her, claimed she was the only one there for her during season ten and then ended their exchange by fat shaming Porsha who gave birth six days ago.
I think the more offensive thing is Porsha having 174 unread messages. I could sum up their texts or you could read them for yourselves below:

Following Porsha posting her reciepts, NeNe took to Instagram herself to show she sent her costar congratulations after she gave birth last week but then the two started fighting in Instagram comments. What a fucking mess.

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